
Longmeadow, Massachusetts is a residential community located on the southern edge of the Connecticut River's Pioneer Valley. Founded in 1644, our town is bordered on the North by the city of Springfield, to the west by the Connecticut river, and to the south by the state of Connecticut. Just south of Springfield and Interstate I-90 (The Massachusetts Turnpike), Longmeadow is accessible from Interstate I-91 which passes through the town limits. Access to town from I-91 is via Massachusetts State Route 5, or Longmeadow Street which connects to I-91 on both the north and south ends of town. Longmeadow St., dating from the seventeenth century, connects Springfield, MA with Enfield, CT and passes our Town Green. Much of Longmeadow St. is lined by 17th and 18th century homes that are periodically made accessible to the entire community through the efforts of the Longmeadow Historical Society. Our town is governed with the traditional New England Town Meeting form of government. Once per year all residents are called to a Annual Town Meeting to act upon spending appropriations for the next fiscal year as well as zoning and bylaw changes requested since the last Town-wide meeting. Our town meetings are the application of the "one person, one vote" principle of our Founding Fathers. Between annual town meetings, our elected five person Board of Selectmen act on behalf of the town residents. The 15,500 residents in the town live primarily in single family homes, although several higher density housing areas are present, including two for senior adults. Although the town is primarily residential, there are two shopping areas in town, consisting of specialized shops that offer their customers the personalized services desired by its suburban residents. Though the Town Offices, Police and Fire departments are just off the Town Green, the triangular intersection of Bliss and Williams streets are the topographical center of town, the location of the high school, public tennis courts, and the main commercial area of town. Longmeadow takes great pride in the commitment to quality education. The School Department includes three elementary schools with grades K-5, two middle schools with grades 6-8, and a single high school with a total school population of approximately 3000 students. Our Fire Department also provides EMS services, and our Police Department participates in the Elementary School DARE program. Many in-town programs, from adult education to youth athletic programs and summer camps are organized and maintained by the active Parks and Recreation Department in town. There are many town-wide groups and organizations that serve our residents and our community. Longmeadow has a large curbside Recycling Program which has large participation from town residents and in addition to the environment benefits saves the town significant monies.Longmeadow does not have an industrial background. This lack of major industrial capacity may have contributed to the town’s reputation as being the most desirable of all Springfield’s residential suburbs and its character as an entirely residential community was established.  Longmeadow is known for its schools athletics programs, excellent music programs. Longmeadow is known for its excellent public education programs. Residents of this area enjoy their distance from urban sprawl, yet have easy access to Bradley International Airport, I-91 and The Massachusetts Turnpike making travel a breeze!

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